First up is some pictures of the figures I bought. I have to admit I was taken also by the "white resin" instead of "white metal" yet refreshing and light. Adding them to a base gave them some weight to help keep them balanced out and on the plus side unlike metal they are less likely to chip.
Yea, I went for the Cultist Packs II and III from Uncle Mike. The figures in them just had the weapon loads that I wanted for my figures. In the future I will get the Cultist pack I.
Threshold Agents III. Again, a nice treat here and a disappointment. I thought the guy on the right had a Tommy gun but two shotguns isn't bad. The guy in the middle is an interesting chap that can be a doctor, scientist or other scholar. What amused me later on was when I started to clean the figures that both shotgun users was smoking. Yes, the girl has a cig in her hand and the other guy has one in his mouth. That was the rage back then....
The Rule book!

Grabbed this off the internet, mine is too far away to go get!
Anatoli's Game room has by far done the best review on this game and the product. So, I am going to post his URL as this is the blog post that really got me interested in this game. He does a great job in explaining everything and there is other fantastic links including a Q&A and a game play review.
Here is my personal comments after reading the book for the past few days.
- The game is very simple and appears to get almost anyone straight into the action quickly.
- You don't have to have a huge model collection to start and can grow with you as you play.
- The rules are well done, simple and easy to follow.
- My only negative thought is an index at the back would have been nice.
- The game design is clearly done "by a gamer, for gamers".
- The book design is amazing, a well done with the spiral binding, the clear cover to protect the book and the thick pages that are both durable and hard to get dirty. You know what I mean, a little soda, a coffee stain, dirt or even paint grace any of your gaming books? Yea, me too....this it just seems like it would wipe off and on with the show!
- There is lots of expansion potential here, both in house rules and by Uncle Mike Worldwide. I hope that Mike can take steps to keep products out there to keep people in the game as he has a high quality product. I was sad to see that Shocking Tales which is a gaming magazine that he produces with bonus rules and other goodies for the game are both out of print. There is talk they will appear as PDF rules but nothing else other than that. Personally, I feel that either players should be able to buy the books still or post the PDFs if they are out of print. Supporting a game is huge and encouraging the players down to new fields is important to keeping a game fresh.